Sunday, 22 January 2012

Cat Of Many Colors

I was all dark and black
But something I used to lack 

With my color, I was fed
So I wished to be all red. 

Everyone told me, I was a silly fellow 
So I changed myself to yellow

But then I felt quite mean 
Because with jealousy I turned green 

After all this, I had no clue
With sadness I turned blue

At last, I fell into a dark sack,
Finally I came back to being my dear black

Image courtesy : Google Images

This was an impromptu rhyme I came up with while attending a workshop on telling stories to kindergarten kids conducted by Dr.Vatsala Iyengar ... Haven't made much edits to my original draft


  1. It's nice when they just roll off the tongue isn't it?

    1. Yes it surely is!
      It was very spontaneous. I wrote it in just 5 mins or so.

  2. ha...playful rhyme today...def has nice flow though...and a great pic of the cat too...

  3. Love the cat, and the rhyme...some of poets' best work is spontaneous and written in little time. Nice!

  4. fun, red, black, yellow...

    they are colorful and beautiful.
