Sunday, 23 October 2011

Let It Be

Image courtesy : Sweetestsin2862

This poem is a message from a father to his dear child...

Sleeping peacefully, my dear baby, so lovely and mild
Three words I would like you to know, my child
"Let it be"

Sometimes you will give your best
Yet you might be nowhere close to the rest
Just let it be

Sometimes your heart might be broken
With only memories left as a token
Just let it be

Sometimes you have to forget your long wait
And walk away with a losing, disappointed gait
Just let it be

Sometimes all your efforts might go in vain
You might be left with just regrets and pain
Just let it be

Sometimes life may get rough and harsh
But never allow your mind to be marsh
Just let it be 

Sometimes close to victory, you might face defeat
But do not let your confidence go offbeat
Just let it be

Sometimes when you are very lost and confused 
Know that, within you, I am always fused 
So just let it be 

Prompted by Bluebell Books: Short Story Slam Week 12

Thanks to Ava from The Poetry Palace for selecting me as the Thursday Poets Rally 55 Award Winner


  1. let it be,

    how lovely your line it is from a father to a child, amazing entry.

  2. wow heart a dad and a son i felt them...well penned...

  3. so much wisdom in your lines

  4. Wise words of a father. Every son should hear it.

  5. awww... this was so sweet.. i wish to write and pass it to my kid some day :)

  6. A sound set of lessons, and a fine showcase of a father's love.

  7. Beautiful series Umesh, the refrain simple and wise. ~ Rose

  8. very wonderful verses...a lesson every one has to learn..Thanks for share

  9. Such delightful words with rhyme and wisdom :) Cheers!

  10. Hello.
    Visiting from The Poetry Pantry.

    Wise & heartfelt words from a father to a son.
    Penned beautifully.
    Nice image too.

    Thanks for sharing.

    The Beautiful Winds Of India

  11. True - just let it be!

    Worthless words? I think not!

  12. "Sometimes when you are very lost and confused
    Know that, within you, I am always fused," I loved those lines. This is full of wisdom. A poem to all fathers out there. A powerful message.

  13. Very wise and loving words! Nicely done!

  14. let it be,

    love between a father and a child reveals when lost.

  15. these words are certainly not worthless.

    wonderful write! very touching!

  16. wise advice, sweetly expressed

  17. very powerful love.
    Happy Rally.

  18. This is such a warm dedication to your child. A great representation of a loving father

  19. Sorry something went wrong.

    My compliments for this poem. It's all about LOVE

  20. 'Let it be' three seemingly simple words; words that pack a powerful message of wisdom from a father to a child. The message concluded that the child is always loved and all the rest is trivial is, as a parent, the most powerful, joy giving, life supporting message a father can give his child. Emotionally charged beautifully written poem.

  21. Thank you all for the wonderful comments :)

  22. Greetings,

    hope all is well,

    invite you to join poetry picnic today, simply share a relevant or a random piece, and enjoy!
    Happy Thanksgiving,
    Always, your presence is sunshine to us.
    Best Wishes!

    your talent rocks.

  23. This is a wonderful poem. I did read some of your other poems as well. Each stands out and makes me want to read more. Simplicity at its best :) .. Nice job.

  24. outstanding poem.

    Incredible work,
    Happy Holidays….
    if you write Haiku, welcome sharing with us,
    1 to 3 or more are welcome.
    no theme.

  25. very deep and thought provoking

    defining mama one

    verification makes it really hard to comment. you'd get more comments if you turned it off. i had to do this several times to get it to work.

  26. Wow .. What a dumb poem by a Kannadiga fool
