Thursday, 4 March 2021

Moist Memories

 Yesterday night, I cried myself to sleep
While I was drafting a response
To the letter that you sent 
My response was quite long
But my translation 
of feelings to words
somehow felt wrong
my fingers cramped 
with the effort of writing
So my eyes started watering
to lubricate my fingers 
to also dilute the ink
that was drying off in the pen
I stayed up as long as I could 
not knowing when I fell asleep 
I woke up only when I felt wet
and my bed was floating 
In my room filled with water
It seems like my eyes did not stop
they kept pouring drop by drop
as I snored away in glory 
all my books were floating in the water
along with my memories of you 
while escaping a nasty slip
I frantically searched 
for the letter, I was writing,
for the letter that you wrote 
Only 4 moist blank pages were left
with ink faded away like my tears. 


  1. I think that often a parting feels like this... drowning.

  2. So much sadness in your words. Thanks for joining us.

  3. The pain, the sadness is palpable here. Gorgeously rendered 💝

  4. A lost love, where a million tears wash everything else away. You captured that feeling here very well.

  5. Your poem reminds me of the Ray Charles song, ‘Drown in my Own Tears’. Here’s a link:
    These lines are touching:
    ‘all my books were floating in the water
    along with my memories of you’.
